Sunday, October 7, 2007

How do I do this?

HEllo blog readers. RUBS here for some amateur blog shit . This is my first ever post and jus' wanna let you know what i got. I want to use this to promote myself as a DJ & am pretty much gonna be posting my personal mixes(rub downs) & maybe some random tracks i am feeling.I work in a restaurant so some fucked up restaurant stories might be in order if i need to vent, and want to share my journey to fatherhood(pretty random blog!).I am not a writer so just bear with me. HOPE YOU LIKE IT...



chris keys said...

excellent mix - lots of fun man - thanks - found you from bobby's blog... mayeb you'll do me a mix for mine in the future - think about it

chris keys said...

thanks man - awesome of u to do that - looking forward to checking your mix on Bobby's site - love that man's blog

Anonymous said...


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